How important are dental visits and how often should I attend?
While daily tooth brushing and interdental cleaning can help maintain good oral health at home, regular check-ups are important to detect early warning signs of infection, decay and oral cancer.

Everyone’s needs differ depending on the condition of their mouth, their lifestyle factors and diet. However, we generally recommend six-monthly visits to address immediate issues and reduce the risk of long-term dental problems arising. If you are at greater risk of developing dental disease we may advise you to attend more frequently.

We recommend children have their first dental visit when their first baby tooth is visible to encourage good habits early on. Initial visits include a “ride in the chair” and a basic visual exam to familiarize your child with the dental environment. Young children may attend with older siblings as they may feel more relaxed and comfortable after seeing them have their teeth examined first.
What is Fluoride?
Fluoride is a natural mineral present in certain foods and beverages. It is also commonly found in varying amounts within dental products, toothpastes and community water sources.

Fluoride has an important role in strengthening and protecting teeth against bacterial acid and decay formation. Both children and adults benefit from Fluoride. While teeth are still developing it produces a systemic benefit by being incorporated into and hardening the outer tooth/ enamel surface. In adult teeth the benefit it produces is topical as it can be applied directly to this surface to “remineralize” or reverse early signs of tooth decay.
What is Gum Disease?
Periodontal or gum disease is a bacterial infection that affects the soft tissues and supporting structures of the teeth. It varies in severity but is often characterized by a combination of inflammation, swelling, bleeding, discoloration and discomfort. It can be subtle and progress slowly but if left untreated can lead to profoundly serious system problems, irreversible damage and tooth loss. If you suspect you may have gum disease or have noticed any changes we encourage you to visit us at Connell Dental Care for a check-up.
Why are my teeth stained? What are my options?
Overtime teeth develop intrinsic and extrinsic stains. Extrinsic is that which occurs on the outer enamel surface due to such things as coffee, wine and smoking. Intrinsic discoloration occurs in the dentine on the inside the enamel layer. This can be an age-related change as teeth develop a yellow tint or due to such things are trauma, genetics, antibiotic use or tooth malformations. Staining is usually diagnosed by a visual exam and can range from white streaks to yellow tints or brown/ grey spots and pits.

Good home care including brushing, flossing and rinsing after meals can help to minimize extrinsic staining in conjunction with professional cleaning. Teeth can also be whitened with a bleaching gel applied to the enamel to improve the shade and aesthetics. However, in some cases if the discoloration is severe or intrinsic in nature a crown or veneer may be required to mask it. While some whitening products are available over the counter, they can often be unsafe and contain a weaker bleach than the what is required to produce a successful outcome. Whitening toothpastes may remove minor stains but will often not produce a significant colour change.
What is causing my toothache?
Oral pain can originate for a multitude of reasons. If you are experiencing discomfort we encourage you to call us on 0269 205 534to ask for advice and schedule an appointment, so we can accurately diagnose and treat the cause. Common causes or oral pain include…
  • Dental decasdsdy
  • Cracked or chipped teeth
  • Leaking or loose fillings
  • Gum infections, disease and inflammation
  • Grinding or clenching
  • TMD or jaw joint disorder
  • Sinus Infections
  • Inflamation of tooth pulp (the tissue in the centre of your tooth)
  • Impacted teeth (often caused by wisdom teeth)
  • Dental abscess ( a serious infection )
  • Allergies
  • Chemical thermal or physical trauma
The nature of pain experienced can vary. If the pain you are experiencing is sharp when you bite down on your food, the cause could be a cavity or cracked tooth. On the other hand, if it is a constant throbbing pain it may be due to an abscessed or infected tooth.

One less common, but significant cause of tooth pain is a sinus infection. If  your upper teeth on both sides of your face are in pain and you have had additional symptoms of nasal congestion this could be the culprit.  If your pain is more identifiable as jaw pain, it may be caused by tooth grinding (bruxism), wisdom teeth or by arthritic changes in the joint.
Why are baby teeth important?
Good oral hygiene practices and routines can never begin too early in life and should be embraced by all parents. The same conscious attention should be shown to baby teeth as it is to their adult successors. These teeth are important to a child’s development: assisting with chewing functions, speaking ability and helping guide their adult teeth into the correct positions upon eruption.
I'm anxious about my visit, How can you help me?
At Connell Dental Care we realise some people find dental visits incredibly stressful. We pride ourselves on providing clear two-way communication and tailored empathetic care and to put your mind at ease. We encourage you to bring up any concerns with us prior to treatment so that we may work through them together with you to create a comfortable and trusting environment.

We will not perform any treatment without your prior informed consent and have a range of non-invasive sedation methods available if requested. Furthermore, your treatment can be performed with frequent rest breaks with you having control via hand signalling if you wish to pause.
When do baby and adult teeth come through?
While there is some variation between individuals when it comes to tooth development and eruption timing. Below is an estimate as to when each types of baby and adult tooth can be expected. If you notice a significant discrepancy, a tooth either coming through early or delayed we encourage you to schedule an appointment with us for a professional dental assessment.